The Third Virtual Exhibition of community experiences for the TEJ, has been so far the version with the highest participation of the three exhibitions, with a total of 38 proposals registered from 6 countries in Latin America, among which, in addition to Colombia, we find Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Dominican Republic and the border area of Haiti, applying for the first time.
This version has other aspects to highlight. One of them is the presence of urban experiences, not only because there were 14 of the total, but above all because with them it is possible to see that territorial resistance also takes place in the cities. In this way, we can see that cities are aware of the impact of their consumption and dependence on rural areas, without which they would not be able to supply basic needs such as food and water, which we extract from the countryside without recognizing the impacts and energy implications. For this reason, several of the urban experiences that were proposed are based on actions to relocate activities and not continue to depend entirely on the countryside. This change of relationship leads to promoting processes of care for living spaces that have been disappearing with the disorderly and overwhelming growth of the urban, and attempts to break the disconnection we have about the origin of common goods such as energy and food, in addition to assuming responsibility for such fundamental issues as the generation and disposal of waste.
Another important element for the construction of what we understand as community energies for the TEJ, was to find the number of experiences that have emerged thanks to school spaces, social fabric or community work, which function as an organic base that thinks its own local needs, questions consumption, understands its environment and is configured through a purpose of common good, where food comes out again as a central aspect in the design objectives of each proposal.
There are projects with great advances that integrate diverse technologies and relationships around energy, which demonstrate that it is possible to respond to local needs and have a great community impact, while at the same time we find simpler projects in terms of infrastructure and scope with respect to the number of people benefited, but no less important in demonstrating that organizations, which historically have been hit by extractive projects and violence, can be self-sufficient, generate autonomy and build their good life without being fully dependent on external resources.
Below we invite you to see the four proposals that were highlighted in the third version of the Virtual Exhibition and, subsequently, all the initiatives registered in 2022.
The contents presented below were taken from the responses of the experiences registered; in some cases we edited the wording, but their main ideas are preserved, so that the contexts in which the experiences emerge and the challenges behind these implementations can be known. In addition, you can consult the materials and technical stakes that made its construction possible, as well as the description of some complications that occurred in its execution, together with the way its promoters found to overcome those obstacles.
Featured Experiences 2022
Below you will find the four proposals that were considered meritorious.
in this version and, subsequently, the totality of the initiatives registered.
Application of agroecological practices in sugarcane cultivation.
San Roque Farm Relation to energy * Biomass utilization * Food sovereignty and autonomy Type of Tech…
Back to the origin from the ancestral knowledge of grandparents
Muisca Indigenous Cabildo of Suba Relation to energy * Biomass utilization * Harnessing the energy o…
Chlorophyll A and M
Chlorophyll A and M Relation to energy Transition Area Fair Energetics Type of Technology The idea w…
Community agroecology for sustainable development
Foundation for the Community Development of Samaná Relation to energy * Biomass utilization * Food s…
Community Centers for the Generation and Use of Renewable Energies in Indigenous Regions of Oaxaca
Center for the Support of the Oaxacan Popular Movement, Campo A.C. Relation to energy Transition Are…
Community micro-hydroelectric plants: a sustainable development model based on renewable energies and integrated watershed management
Guakía Environment Relation to energy * Harnessing the energy of water * Relocation of activities Ty…
Empowering communities for triple impact
Maya Pedal Association Relation to energy * Harnessing human energy * Use of inorganic waste Type of…
Energy transition for environmental health
People’s Health Corporation-Guillermo Ferguson Group Relation to energy * Use of solar energy …
Generates energy ration with hydro turbine in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
Agora Agricultural Farm Relation to energy * Harnessing the energy of water * Food sovereignty and a…
Guardians of the territory
LabSit is an organizational process that works in rural and urban areas of Colombia, seeking to prom…
Hygienic towels for popular energy transition – Escuela Kimy
Kimy Pernia Domicó Environmental School Relation to energy * Use of inorganic waste * Self-managemen…
Learning and challenges towards energy autonomy through conservation agriculture systems in Tolima and Cauca.
Semillas de Agua Corporation Relation to energy * Use of solar energy * Wind energy use * Harnessing…
Leonardo Forest Community Network
We promote love for the moors, forests, wetlands and lagoons of the central region and Ubaté. We lea…
Living Organisms: Eco-neighborhoods Ciudadela Colsubsidio and El Cortijo
We Are One Collective Foundation Relation to energy * Biomass utilization * Harnessing the energy of…
Cabildo Indo Mestizo Guane Ethnic Group Association Relation to energy * Self-management of health *…
Pedals that feed the soul
ALMA Nature Reserve Relation to energy * Food sovereignty and autonomy * Harnessing human energy * U…
Permanent assembly for the closure of the Doña Juana landfill
Crystal Planet Environmental Corporation Relation to energy * Use of inorganic waste * Relocation of…
Planting vegetable gardens with passion and love
Kelly Johanna Florez Relation to energy * Food sovereignty and autonomy * Biomass utilization * Use …
Rainwater Harvesting for the Good Life
Collective of Campesino and Community Reserves of Santander, Municipal Association of Campesino Wome…
Reduction of GHG (Greenhouse Gases) through biodigesters in Ecological Family Pig Farming
Asomucavie – Association of Peasant Women Agua Vida y Esperanza (Water, Life and Hope) Relatio…
Renov_arte, Re_estrene, Restrepo
Renov_arte Relation to energy * Use of inorganic waste * Relocation of activities Type of Technology…
Rural women researchers
Resistance to mining and extractivism, RAME Relation to energy * Use of solar energy * Self-manageme…
Supporting the Energy Transition
Corporación Hacia el Buen Vivir Peace with Nature Relation to energy * Biomass utilization * Solar e…
Talking Bacatá
Bamburra Relation to energy * Harnessing human energy * Use of inorganic waste Transition Area Fair …
The art of phytocollage is a family affair
Fitocollage in family Relation to energy * Biomass utilization * Use of inorganic waste Type of Tech…
Tierra Buena farm school: a space for the exchange of knowledge and the transition towards peasant agroecology.
Tierra Libre Organization Relation to energy * Biomass utilization * Food sovereignty and autonomy *…
Todasana Orgánica, Seedbed for Well-being
Allana Organic Relation to energy * Use of solar energy * Harnessing human energy Type of Technology…
Transformation of organic waste
Huerta el cidron las Mercedes Relation to energy * Biomass utilization * Food sovereignty and autono…
Transition towards Good Living, from the use of the energy of dendroenergetic species and the energy of the sun in the Los Naunos Campesino Reserve.
Collective of Campesino and Community Reserves of Santander, Gualdrón Becerra Family Relation to ene…
Transmitting the energy for a better environment, water and food
Guerreras y Guerreras Guerreras Unidos community garden in action Relation to energy * Food sovereig…
Uandani, a space for dialogue, learning and innovation
Uandani: Interdisciplinary Group of Appropriate Rural Technology AC Relation to energy * Use of sola…
We are the Ecomunidad Ama-Gi. A community life experience that walks sustainability in the mountains of southern Santander.
Ama-Gi Community Relation to energy * Food sovereignty and autonomy * Biomass utilization * Permacul…
Weaving with Agrodiversity Family Style “TEFA”.
Movimiento Social en Defensa de los Ríos Sogamoso y Chucurí (Social Movement in Defense of the Sogam…
Workshop on social innovation and sustainable urban mobility
Urban innovation workshop Relation to energy * Harnessing human energy Transition Area Fair Energeti…
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